Bahariya Oasis

Bahariya Oasis - Oasis Egypt Safari. Bahariya Oasis El-Wahat El- Bahariya Oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt. Located 200 miles from Cairo, Bahariyya Oasis serves as a jumping-off point for many safari trips into the desert. This is not only because it is the closest of the four desert oases to Cairo. At El-Wahat El- Bahariya oasis itself, There are other smaller villages clustered within the depression of the oasis, many of them mentioned in Roman times. During the Roman Period, it was one of the greenest places in Egypt, producing large amounts of wheat and wine that were shipped to the Nile Valley. There is one hot spring worth visiting if you have some extra time. Bir Al-Ghana ( the Well of the Forest ) is about 12 kilometers northeast of Bawiti in a eucalyptus grove. the Bahariya oasis was a center of husbandry producing juice sold in the Nile, In addition to the very well, located at The White Desert it ...